Working from Home

So you would like to work from the comfort of you own home? This is not so far fetched idea these days. With almost all households having access to the internet, the world has shrink considerably! It is becoming easier to communicate to each other through the internet than to walk to the other parties office down the hall.

Having meetings is as far as a Google Hangout away! And by using the vastly available Skype™ gear you can phone your colleges like you are used to even if they are sitting in a hotel room on the other side of earth.

The hardest part is to get started. It is not easy to leave your job and start doing something else. There is a great risk involved and you should have a backup plan (or funds) if your idea does not work.

You can always start small by doing after hours work from home and then later when you know you are making something from home you can start it full time.

You have 2 options to get started:

Home Based Jobs

You can use the numerous online sites, like, that is available to find vacancies that allow you to work from home. Here is some live job listings:


Another very popular option for IT related jobs is to "freelance" and tender for work that other people want to do. This service is totally transparent and you can easily work for people arround the world. Here is a list of live projects that is being advertised:

Other Options